It seems that almost every greeting card that appears online in Stampin’ Up! groups has some sort of greeting or sentiment. But sometimes we just want a card to use to write a note off to a friend. That “get well” card might be the perfect design, but not for a note to your friend who isn’t ill.
So your challenge this time is to create a greeting card with no words on it.
Before we get started today, we’d like to introduce the newest member of the SUO Challenge Design Team:
Cindee Wilkinson!
Stampin’ Up! demonstrators who went to convention this year may have caught Cindee’s demonstration during one of the sessions. Even more of us have followed Cindee’s blog and Facebook postings and know how much fun she has with her Stampin’ Up! designs, and how beautifully they turn out. Here’s her introduction to us all:
Hi, I’m Cindee Wilkinson! I’ve been a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator for 6 years and a Manager since 2011. I’ve been married to my husband, David, for 37 years, and we have 2 grown children and 3 grandchildren. Stampin’ Up! is my dream job. I love creating, teaching classes and more!
Welcome, Cindee!
Need some ideas to get your creativity started? Then check out our Design Team projects – and have fun with your own project!
Cindee Wilkinson
Julie Gearinger
Connie Babbert
Robin Messenheimer
Pam Staples
Julia Quinn
Mary Brown
To participate in our challenge, make a card or other paper-crafted project and post a photo of it to your blog or a gallery on the internet. Then come back here and use our link tool at the bottom of this post to share the photo with us.
PLEASE remember this: We’re looking for projects posted to the internet AFTER August 17, 2015 This is a NEW challenge! AND please mention/link to the SUO Challenge Blog in your post!
Of course, your projects must be made with Stampin’ Up! products only. The products may be those that are in current catalogs, or they may be retired products. But (as our blog title says) SUO – Stampin’ Up! Only! This means that products from other papercrafting, rubber stamp, die-making or other companies may not be included in your project or in any other project included in your blog post if Stampin’ Up! sells a like product. For example, Stampin’ Up! does not sell sewing thread. So use of sewing thread from another company is just fine. Stampin’ Up! does sell the Sizzix Big Shot, so use of die-cuts, texture plates or other such products from another company is not fine. If you have a question, please send an e-mail to our Coordinator, Robin Messenheimer, and she’ll be glad to answer it!
Challenge Dates: August 18, 2015 (3 am USA Eastern Time) –
August 29, 2015 (6 am USA Eastern Time)