It’s time for Valentines! Cards, gifts or treats – your challenge this time is to make something for Valentine’s Day, take a photo, and share it with us here at SUO Challenges!
Here are our Design Team members’ projects. Click on the photos of their projects to find out more about them. I hope they inspire you to make your own and share them with us! BUT BEFORE YOU SHARE – Please review our guidelines over at the left. If you have any questions, please Contact Us.

Julia Quinn

Mary Brown

Julie Gearinger

Pam Staples

–Cindee Wilkinson

Connie Babbert

Robin Messenheimer

Karen Barber

Jason Loucks
–PLEASE remember this: We’re looking for projects posted to the internet AFTER January 30, 2017.
Dates to Add Links: January 31, 2017 (3 am USA Eastern Time) –
February 11, 2017 (6 am USA Eastern Time)