Welcome Robin and Pam!

There are some changes here at our Challenge blog this week. In addition to a brand new challenge (which will be posted tomorrow), I'd like to say "hello" and "goodbye" to 5 members.

First, the Hellos!

We welcome our new Design Team Coordinator! Robin Messenheimer will be leading the SUOChallenges blog and we wish her heartfelt welcomes!! Robin lives on the beautiful Island of Hawaii – "The Big Island" – in the state of Hawaii. She shares her home with her husband Harry and two fur children, Cholla the Cat and Hoku the Dog.

Robin has a large room in her house that she calls "Robin's Craft Room". Most of her craft room is dedicated to her stash of Stampin' Up! products.

There are some corners dedicated to a bit of sewing and crocheting. She says that more and more, all those crafts are starting to blend into one another as Stampin' Up! features new products that cross over into the realm of fabric and sewing.

Robin will be leading us with new challenges every other week and we thank her for her inspiration and dedication to SUO Challenges! Mahalo!

We also welcome our new Design Team member Pam Staples! Pam comes to us from lovely Smithfield, NC (she is a Minnesota native). She shares her home with her husband Mike and her adopted son, and her fur children: Savvy and Cooper (Golden Retrievers) and her cat MaCree.

Pam has been an avid scrapbooker for 20 years. In 2009, she joined Stampin' Up! as a demonstrator and she hosts crops and classes in her home on a regular basis.

Pam is a talented designer with a sunny personality! Pam also enjoys scuba diving and photography.

Robin and Pam are both excited to be joining us!

Now the "Goodbyes"…

It is time to say goodbye to Cindy Coutts.

Cindy started this challenge blog last year and has had many fun times sharing her designs with her team members and with you.

However, Cindy decided she needs to focus on Christian Paper Crafts (the Christian community she owns) and will need to give up her involvement here at SUOChallenges. Cindy gave up her demonstratorship with Stampin' Up! and is pursuing design team positions for other stamp companies.

She hands over the Coordinator responsibilities to Robin Messenheimer. Thank you Cindy, for starting this challenge blog and coordinating it. You deserve a break!

It is also time to say goodbye to Patricia Weitzel.

Patricia has been with us since last fall as a Design Team member and she is a talented stamper and a joy to have on the team.

Patricia has also been helping out with writing the challenge blog posts for the last few months. Thanks so much to Patricia for the extra help!

Patricia is moving and has had other responsibilities to attend to at home.

We wish her well in the future and we hope she can return to stamping soon. 

We also say goodbye to Amy Fink.

Amy has been with us since the beginning and has shared many lovely creations with us. However, she says its time for her to step down. She has had some problems with her internet connection and also has been short on time to contribute on a regular basis. 

She has decided it would be best to take a break and refresh.

Thank you, Amy for your cheerful attitude and happy outlook you've given us all!

We will miss the smiles of Cindy, Amy and Patricia and we look forward to the future with Robin and Pam!

Blessings to all 5 of you as you make the transitions in your new roles!


Michelle Laycock

Design Team Member Spokesperson

7 thoughts on “Welcome Robin and Pam!

  1. I'm so excited to be joining this wonderful group of designers and I'm looking forward working with every single one of you!  Thanks to Cindy for starting this group, and good luck to Cindy and Patricia in everything that they do!

  2. It has been such a joy working with both Cindy and Patricia!  What talent you both have!  Thanks for all your work in starting this fantastic challenge.  Welcome to Robin and Pam!  I have taken a peek at your blogs and know that there is lots of creative inspiration from both of you.  Looking forward to what comes next!

  3. First, I just want to say how excited I am to be a new member of the SUO Challenge Blog!  I'm looking forward to participating and sharing in the celebration of some wonderful creations from our designers and participants.

    Thank You to Cindy for starting this group and I wish you well as you move on to focus on Christian Paper Crafts.  Also, thank you to Amy and Patricia for all their wonderful contributions to SUO Challenges!

  4. What a bittersweet week!  I'm so excited to work with Robin and Pam, and it is always sad to say good-bye.  Best wishes to Cindy, Patricia, and Amy.  You will be missed!

  5. Welcome Robin and Pam!! So happy to have you on board!! But so sad to see Cindy and Patricia and Amy go!! Boohoo…..thanks for all your hard work ladies! Thanks to Robin and Pam for being willing to pick up where you left off! Blessings, all the way around!~

  6. I'm with Heidi! This is so bittersweet! I'm so excited to work with Robin and Pam. I already love their blogs 🙂
    Cindy! Amy! and Patricia! OH MY! you ladies are so talented and it is sad to see you go. I wish you all blessings for what lies ahead for you. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us! Cindy, thanks for finding me, giving me my first design team roll, loving my work and being a friend. You will be missed! Love all 3 of you girls…

  7. Welcome to Robin and Pam!  I'm looking forward to working with you.  Cindy, Amy and Patricia – I'm sad to see you leave, but certainly understand your reasons.  I will very much miss working with all of you and wish you all the best as you move on.

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